Tube-watching Kids Prefer Junk Food

An interesting report on the eating habits of 91 families in neighbourhoods around Washington DC, USA, has revealed a significant set of findings: children belonging to families that watch TV regularly during mealtimes go more for pizza, snack foods and soft drinks laced with caffeine, and less for fruits and vegetables. Brought out by Tufts… [ Continue Reading ]

What are Special Foods? Diet Advice for Pregnant Women

When we say special foods, we are referring to anything that is not artificial – it has no preservatives or additives and is in sync with nature. Times are changing and most people have little or no time to cook complete meals. They prefer fast foods and do not mind if they are frozen or… [ Continue Reading ]

Hook Worm Infection in Children

Largely common in tropical climes, hook worm infection is caused by parasites called Ancylostoma Duodenale and Necator Americanus. Hookworms live in the small intestine of an infected person and are excreted in the faeces. The worms can find their way into your body by penetrating the skin, usually through the feet if you are walking bare… [ Continue Reading ]

What is the right nutrition for the baby?

Ever since your baby’s birth a few months ago, one worry bothers you more than any other. What is the right nutrition for the baby? Am I feeding her right? What happens when she grows up a little more? What are the foods I have to feed her then? While every child has his or… [ Continue Reading ]

Haemorrhoids (Piles) During Pregnancy

It’s been a long day for Anu. As she relaxes with her evening coffee, she feels a jab of pain close to her anus. A trip to the gynaecologist the next day confirms her fears. It is piles. Piles, which look like soft purple lumps protruding through the anal ring, are actually swollen veins. They… [ Continue Reading ]

Heartburn During Pregnancy

Heartburn, a very common problem during pregnancy, is caused by the uterus pushing against the stomach, forcing acid into the oesophagus. The secretion of the hormone progesterone is elevated during pregnancy which softens and relaxes all muscles, including the lower oesophageal sphincter, the region between the oesophagus and the stomach. The sphincter usually acts as… [ Continue Reading ]

Constipation During Pregnancy

Constipation is caused by the secretion of the pregnancy hormone, progesterone, which makes the body supple. As a result, the intestine relaxes and loses its power to propel its contents towards the rectum. What to do Increase your fluid intake. Try drinking at least three litres of fluids every day. Include a reasonable amount of… [ Continue Reading ]