Chain Chain

Chain Chain

Chain Chain [Illustration by Anup Singh]

How to play:

  • It’s an interesting game. But how can one create a chain in a game, your child might ask.Simple. It starts with one person standing at a distance, away from the
    rest of the group. This person is called the ‘denner’.
  • When everyone is ready, the denner has to run and catch any one taking part in the game. The moment the denner touches you, you are ‘caught’, and must become the denner’s team-mate.
  • The two-person team hold hands, form a small chain and run together to catch someone who would become the third teammate. But, keep it in mind that only the denner is allowed to touch and catch someone. The rest of the team members have to hold tight and help ‘snare the catch’ as it were. Their job is to block anyone trying to get away.
  • If anyone in the chain lets go of the other’s hand, during a game, it is considered a foul. The team has to go back to the starting point, form a chain all over again.
  • As the game progresses, see the chain getting longer and longer, as people keep getting caught. The game ends when there are no more people left to catch.The game is full of energy and zest and is a great game for both children and adults, especially at picnics and in open spaces.