How to make healthy food choices

Are you an overwrought mother, forever worrying about the eating habits of your children? You care about your child’s nutrition and know that it is related to growth and development but do not know how to make healthy food choices. Children grow and change rapidly in their early years. Being prepared will make life easier… [ Continue Reading ]

Appendicitis in children

The most common ailment requiring emergency abdominal operation in childhood, appendicitis is caused by the inflammation of the appendix. The appendix is a small blind-ended tube attached to the large intestine. Its inflammation happens gradually, like the formation of a boil. The inflamed appendix could burst, spreading the infection all over the abdomen. If this… [ Continue Reading ]

What is the right nutrition for the baby?

Ever since your baby’s birth a few months ago, one worry bothers you more than any other. What is the right nutrition for the baby? Am I feeding her right? What happens when she grows up a little more? What are the foods I have to feed her then? While every child has his or… [ Continue Reading ]

Eating Disorders in Children

The feeding problems of infancy or early childhood include: Anorexia Regurgitation Pica Anorexia Of all behaviour problems anorexia is most common in children. But it can be easily prevented and cured. A mother’s most common complaint is that the child does not eat anything. The mother says she has tried everything to make him eat…. [ Continue Reading ]