Small Screen, Big Aspirations

The edge television has over other media due to its multisensorial appeal and its ubiquitous existence has made researchers probe its mesmeric hold on people across the world – especially pre-teen children, considering their impressionable developmental stage. With this concern in mind, ‘Centre for Advocacy and Research’, a Delhi-based media research organisation in Delhi recently… [ Continue Reading ]

Don’t Worry Be Happy

The old wives tale about cheerful women delivering healthy babies seems to be true. The American Psychological Association has announced research showing that optimism can reduce the chance of delivering low birth weight or pre-term babies for medically high-risk pregnant women. Psychologist Marci Lobel and her colleagues examined 129 pregnant women between 20 and 43… [ Continue Reading ]

Does junk food leading to Juvenile Diabetes?

An infant suffering from diabetes? An eight-year-old being injected with insulin? If you think these are far-fetched scenarios, think again. “Juvenile” or “Type 1” diabetes is a harsh reality. According to a report in The Times of India newspaper, junk food, obesity and viral fever are making children increasingly susceptible to the disease. Another key… [ Continue Reading ]

Children are vulnerable to advertising

Advertisers spend crores of rupees every year in creating a climate conducive to consumption. Children are particularly vulnerable to this sort of advertising as these companies are increasingly targeting them in a variety of ways. The reason: children are emerging as a major influencing factor when it comes to decision-making. Advertising and marketing companies are… [ Continue Reading ]