Medication During Lactation

The phone rang at 5 am on Sunday morning. Sleepily I picked it up thinking it would be an emergency call from the hospital. To my surprise it was my friend Seema from Singapore. “Geeta, I am pregnant! Can you believe it?” she exclaimed loudly. After 10 long years! Naturally she was overjoyed, as it… [ Continue Reading ]

Initiation into Breastfeeding

Reeta is proud to experience motherhood for the first time. She started breastfeeding within an hour after delivery, as she was aware of the emotional bonding between the mother and baby. I was surprised when she came after seven days and asked for some medicines to reduce the milk formation. Her problem was common, “When… [ Continue Reading ]

Colostrum: Nature’s best gift for the new born baby

I went to meet Ria the next day after her delivery. She and her baby glowed in the soft light of the sun that was peeping in from the windows. Together, we admired the little bundle that was Ria’s daughter. Ria’s had been a normal delivery. I complimented her on how well she looked after… [ Continue Reading ]