Miscarriage or Abortion

Rima was expecting and was advised bed rest as she had had a miscarriage earlier. One night she woke up with stomach cramps in the seventh week of pregnancy and began bleeding. It was happening again despite all that rest. An abortion is caused by Malformation: Many spontaneous early abortions are caused by defective development… [ Continue Reading ]

Varicose Veins During Pregnancy

If you are on your feet for a long time during the day, the veins in your legs will get distended and look like zig-zag nodules. These are called varicose veins. This is caused by the growing pressure of the blood flowing through the veins. When you are standing for a long time, you strain… [ Continue Reading ]

Leg Cramps During Pregnancy

Cramps in the calf muscle, thigh and feet are common during pregnancy. They usually happen at night in the last trimester. The pain shoots down from the calf to the foot, making the calf muscles taut and very painful. They may feel tender for several hours or even for two to three days, making walking… [ Continue Reading ]

Alternative Medicine for Worms

Papaya seeds can help get rid of intestinal worms, although modern medicines often work better. Papaya seeds must be dried in the shade, powdered and kept in a bottle. Two teaspoons of powder is mixed with a glass of milk. Drink this at bedtime. Repeat for three consecutive days. Or, papaya ‘milk’ that comes out… [ Continue Reading ]