Varicose Veins During Pregnancy

If you are on your feet for a long time during the day, the veins in your legs will get distended and look like zig-zag nodules. These are called varicose veins. This is caused by the growing pressure of the blood flowing through the veins. When you are standing for a long time, you strain… [ Continue Reading ]

Leg Cramps During Pregnancy

Cramps in the calf muscle, thigh and feet are common during pregnancy. They usually happen at night in the last trimester. The pain shoots down from the calf to the foot, making the calf muscles taut and very painful. They may feel tender for several hours or even for two to three days, making walking… [ Continue Reading ]

Trip to the Gynaecologist

It was on. We were going ahead with the baby. After hearing the ‘good news’, the mom-in-law squealed with delight, while the mom did a jig at the other end of the phone, and we, the post-honeymooners, put on what we thought should be the proud-parents-to-be smile. We called up so many people to let… [ Continue Reading ]

Haemorrhoids (Piles) During Pregnancy

It’s been a long day for Anu. As she relaxes with her evening coffee, she feels a jab of pain close to her anus. A trip to the gynaecologist the next day confirms her fears. It is piles. Piles, which look like soft purple lumps protruding through the anal ring, are actually swollen veins. They… [ Continue Reading ]

Heartburn During Pregnancy

Heartburn, a very common problem during pregnancy, is caused by the uterus pushing against the stomach, forcing acid into the oesophagus. The secretion of the hormone progesterone is elevated during pregnancy which softens and relaxes all muscles, including the lower oesophageal sphincter, the region between the oesophagus and the stomach. The sphincter usually acts as… [ Continue Reading ]

Don’t Worry Be Happy

The old wives tale about cheerful women delivering healthy babies seems to be true. The American Psychological Association has announced research showing that optimism can reduce the chance of delivering low birth weight or pre-term babies for medically high-risk pregnant women. Psychologist Marci Lobel and her colleagues examined 129 pregnant women between 20 and 43… [ Continue Reading ]

Constipation During Pregnancy

Constipation is caused by the secretion of the pregnancy hormone, progesterone, which makes the body supple. As a result, the intestine relaxes and loses its power to propel its contents towards the rectum. What to do Increase your fluid intake. Try drinking at least three litres of fluids every day. Include a reasonable amount of… [ Continue Reading ]