Leg Cramps During Pregnancy

Cramps in the calf muscle, thigh and feet are common during pregnancy. They usually happen at night in the last trimester. The pain shoots down from the calf to the foot, making the calf muscles taut and very painful. They may feel tender for several hours or even for two to three days, making walking… [ Continue Reading ]

Sexually-transmitted Diseases

If you use a condom to keep AIDS away, you will also be safe from other sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs) too. For, AIDS is just one of the many STDs you could contract with unsafe sex. Of the more than 20 pathogens that may cause STD, the most commonly known are syphilis, gonorrhoea, chancroid, lymphogranuloma venerium,… [ Continue Reading ]

Medication During Lactation

The phone rang at 5 am on Sunday morning. Sleepily I picked it up thinking it would be an emergency call from the hospital. To my surprise it was my friend Seema from Singapore. “Geeta, I am pregnant! Can you believe it?” she exclaimed loudly. After 10 long years! Naturally she was overjoyed, as it… [ Continue Reading ]

Haemorrhoids (Piles) During Pregnancy

It’s been a long day for Anu. As she relaxes with her evening coffee, she feels a jab of pain close to her anus. A trip to the gynaecologist the next day confirms her fears. It is piles. Piles, which look like soft purple lumps protruding through the anal ring, are actually swollen veins. They… [ Continue Reading ]

Hepatitis A

An extremely infectious disease, Hepatitis A is caused by a virus which takes several weeks to disappear. The disease is, however, largely benign and is usually seen in children. The infection tends to be mild in young children and its clinical severity increases with the age of the person affected. Resistance The virus is resistant… [ Continue Reading ]


Typhoid fever is caused by an organism called Sulmonella Typhi which is transmitted from the faeces and urine of a disease carrier. And only lack of hygeine such as not washing hands before eating or cooking or consuming contaminated food can lead to typhoid. Clinically, it is characterised by continuous fever for three to four… [ Continue Reading ]

Initiation into Breastfeeding

Reeta is proud to experience motherhood for the first time. She started breastfeeding within an hour after delivery, as she was aware of the emotional bonding between the mother and baby. I was surprised when she came after seven days and asked for some medicines to reduce the milk formation. Her problem was common, “When… [ Continue Reading ]


Amoebiasis refers to harbouring the parasite Entamoeba histolytica with or without clinical manifestations. It is a common infection of the human gastro-intestinal tract and is quite common in India and other developing countries. Sometimes, it is also present outside the intestines and may affect the liver (liver abscess), lungs, brain, spleen and skin. Transmission Most… [ Continue Reading ]

Constipation During Pregnancy

Constipation is caused by the secretion of the pregnancy hormone, progesterone, which makes the body supple. As a result, the intestine relaxes and loses its power to propel its contents towards the rectum. What to do Increase your fluid intake. Try drinking at least three litres of fluids every day. Include a reasonable amount of… [ Continue Reading ]